=============================================================================== README.TXT ProCat for Windows Version 2.0 04/02/95 ================================================================================ VERSION 2.0 UPGRADE NOTICE - IF YOU HAVE ALREADY INSTALLED PROCAT FOR WINDOWS VERSION 1.1 AND YOU WOULD LIKE TO UPDATE IT, JUST BE SURE TO BACKUP YOUR PROCAT.DBF AND PROCAT.NDX FILES BEFORE INSTALLING PROCAT VERSION 2.0. INSTALL PROCAT VERSION 2.0 USING THE INSTRUCTIONS LISTED BELOW, THEN COPY YOUR SAVED PROCAT.DBF AND PROCAT.NDX FILES ON TOP OF THE VERSION 2.0 FILES. To Install: COPY ALL OF THE PROCATW FILES INTO A SUBDIRECTORY ON YOUR HARD DISK, THEN ENTER MICROSOFT WINDOWS. SELECT "FILE" FROM THE PROGRAM MANAGER MENU, SELECT "RUN", SELECT "BROWSE", SELECT "SETUP.EXE" FROM THE SUBDIRECTORY WHERE PROCAT FOR WINDOWS IS LOCATED, CLICK ON "OK", CLICK ON "OK". Revision History: 9/94 PROWIN01.EXE thru PROWIN11.EXE - RadioSport test versions, starting out with Yaesu fixes, then added WAV sounds, then SoundBlaster sound. 10/94 PROWIN12.EXE - Newer sound files, MMI sound. 10/94 PROWIN15.EXE - Icom setup changes, this version was recalled. 10/94 PROWIN14.EXE - UK distributed PFW 1.1 10/30/94 - PROCATW.EXE, correct record label bug. Record label was immediatly updated if the UPDATE box was checked, now done at record save time. 11/04/94 - PROCATW.HLP, correct RECORDS picture to proper screen shot 11/04/94 - SETUP1.EXE, THREED.VBX forced to load when no version in control. 11/04/94 - PROCATW.EXE, FT767 and FT736 added additional code for CAT release. 11/17/94 - PROCATW.HLP, added Yaesu 8E help in setup. 11/17/94 - PROCATW.EXE, added Yaesu 8E option. This option allows a special quiet tuning mode for Yaesu radios that have noisy CAT tuning. 02/24/95 - PROCATW.EXE, added "Ack" after FT767 CAT-ON string is sent. 3/30/95 - PROCATW.EXE, added Logging for version 2.0 PROCATW.HLP, added Logging for version 2.0 3/30/95 - PROWIN21.EXE, ProCat for Windows Version 2.0 6/20/95 - PROWIN23.EXE, Adjusted color Palette. =============================================================================== INSTRUCTIONS FOR USERS THAT WANT PROCAT FOR WINDOWS TO CONNECT TO SEVERAL DIFFERENT TRANSCEIVER BRANDS (AND) OR MODELS: The result of the following steps will be a separate ICON on your Windows desktop for each radio that you own. Under the ICON will be the identification for the radio model that the ICON will control. Each radio will have its own PROCAT.DBF file in its own area on disk, and its own LOGBOOK. If you want all of your PROCAT ICONS to SHARE THE SAME LOGBOOK (which is very likely), create a C:\PFWLOG subdirectory and put PFWLOG.MDB and PFWLOG.LDB in it. You will find these files in the destination directory for any of your radios, AFTER the setup program has been run and AFTER ProCat has been executed for the first time. If you would like to have more than one transceiver defined in ProCat for Windows, here is how you can do it: GO TO DOS 1. You should create an install subdirectory on your hard disk, call it C:\INSTALL. Copy your PROWIN21.EXE into this subdirectory, then explode it (c:\install>PROWIN21). 2. If you have registered, put your registered files disk in floppy A: or B:, then copy the files, (c:\install>copy a:*.*). GO TO WINDOWS 1. Select FILE from program manager, RUN, BROWSE, C drive, INSTALL subdirectory, SETUP.EXE, OK, OK. When the setup program asks you for the subdirectory name, replace C:\PROCATW with C:\IC735 (or "your" radio). Allow the setup program to complete. 2. A PROCAT folder will be created, having a PROCAT icon in it. Click once on the PROCAT icon, then select FILE from the program manager, then PROPERTIES, change the DESCRIPTION to your radio name, enter a SHORTCUT KEY if you want one. CLICK OK. Next, MOUSE DOWN on the PROCAT ICON and DRAG IT into the APPLICATIONS folder on the windows desktop. 3. Repeat Step 1 and Step 2 for all remaining radios, swapping the suggested "C:\PROCATW" with the radio name you want to use (as in step 1). 4. DOUBLE CLICK on the APPLICATIONS folder on the desktop, MOUSE DOWN on one of the PROCAT ICONS that was created, and DRAG it over the PROCAT folder. Release the mouse button. Do this for all of your PROCAT icons. 5. Don't worry about the amount of DISK SPACE that will be used by repeated installations, each subdirectory is smaller than the size of a 3.5" low density floppy. 6. You can have multiple PROCAT's running at the same time as long as they don't share the same COMM port. Open the PROCAT folder and select the radio you want to use! GO TO DOS 1. Remove the INSTALL subdirectory and any files that are in it. - c:\install>cd \ - c:>del install - c:>rd install 2. Copy PROVALID.EXE from your registration floppy into each of the subdirectorys that were created during the installation process and run the program to register your program in that subdirectory. ================================================================================ == END ========================================================================= ================================================================================